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Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019

Matt & callums ocean pollution research

Matt & callums ocean pollution research
This is about trying to clean the oceans plastic islands.
People are trying to clean the ocean with nets but it would cost billions.

This is about telling people what the can do to save the Planet.
You can help by using less plastic products and try to use public transport.

Surfrider is telling people about how much plastic is going in the ocean and how it can affect Sea life like turtles.

This video is showing you how people are trying to clean the ocean
They are trying to make a big net that will move by the current, wind and waves

This is a national geographic page about cleaning up the beaches.
Groups of people have gathered to help clean up beaches to save sea animals.
The Ocean Cleanup Research

1.8 trillion pieces of plastic float at the surface of the Pacific Garbage Patch. The Ocean Cleanup is launching the world’s first  solution to this big problem.they will create a coastline where there are no animals. They will collect the plastic and take it out!.The system consists of a 600-meter-long floater and a 3-meter-deep skirt connected below. While the skirt stops smaller particles from getting out underneath.As the huge skirt creates a downward flow, marine life can safely pass under it.

The system takes advantage of three natural oceanic forces. Wind, waves, and currents.The plastic and the system are being carried by the current.The system moves faster than the plastic, allowing the plastic to be caught as the current adds pressure on the skirt. The system naturally forms a U-shape which enables it to move plastic in its center like a funnel.The drag generated by the skirt also acts as a force allowing the system to move itself when the wind changes direction. And because the system  like the plastic is free floating, it automatically drifts.

The machine has solar powered lights, anti-collision systems, cameras, sensors and satellite antennas. A support vessel comes by to take out the concentrated plastic  like a garbage truck of the ocean.The plastic is then transported to land, recycled, and made into durable products.Once finished, the machine is expected to clean up 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch every 5 years.
Ocean Pollution Research
There is 8.3 metric tons of plastic waste in the ocean and 6.3 billion tons of it became waste and only only 9% got recycled. 14 Billion pounds of plastic go in the ocean each year so that´s 1.5 million pounds of plastic go in each hour. About 60 - 95 percent of ocean pollution is plastic. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals are killed each year from plastic pollution. 700 marine species are at risk of extinction because of plastic pollution and food shortages. China is the worst country for plastic pollution because of there huge population and there carelessness of pollution. It can take 40-50 years for a plastic cup to decompose and 300-400 years for a plastic bag to decompose. Any piece of plastic thrown in the ocean can kill up to 1 million marine animals yearly. In 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. In 2025 the plastic pollution is predicted to grow to 400 million tonnes every year.

Main Causes Of Ocean Pollution

The main causes of ocean pollution is sewage,toxic chemicals and nuclear waste. Main causes of plastic pollution is the huge amount of plastic made daily and the amount that gets discarded. Dirty plastics that get thrown into landfill have bad chemicals for the environment. The chemicals sink into the ground and go into the groundwater. The plastic you put in the bin everyday ends up in landfill. When plastic is getting transported it can get blown away and end up in drains and end up in rivers that lead to the ocean.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Technology reflection

In technology i did foods with ms Sullivan.
We made a breakfast smoothie.The smoothie ingredients were 1 cup of oats
1 tablespoon of brown sugar 1 quarter of a cup of water 1 teaspoon of
cinnamon 1 whole apple/i used royal gala  and berries tablespoon of oil
and yogurt. My utensils were 1 plate,1 measuring cup,measuring spoon,pot
and a pot stand,big spoon,corer,board ,knife,we stewed the cut up apples with
the core cut out with the corer and then put them  in a pot with a table spoon of
sugar. We let them boil until there were big bubbles.Then we put the cup of
oats in a foil tin we put the cinnamon and the coconut in and mixed it then
put it in the oven to cook.We to the apples out of the pot to cool off then we
took the oats out of the oven the got a plastic cup and put berries in the bottom
and then i put half of the apples on top then i put some yogurt then put more
oats on then put the rest of the apples  on that then put berries on the top.

In woodwork today at technology we finished the prototype box.
That includes putting the final screw in with a hand held drill.
Then it was time for me to make the base. I had to get a piece of mdf and
mark out were i will put the nails in.  After i marked it out i put glue around the
box and put the base on the hammered all the nails in and then sanded the
box and then my box was finished.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Milos reflection

Milos Reflection

we have been making a slideshow about airplanes and the
Christchurch airport. We have done 10 facts about airplanes
and Christchurch Airport. We have also done the landing and
takeoff times of the big airplanes that go to Christchurch Airport.
We have also put a link on the slideshow to flightradar 24.

Our next steps are to plan a trip to Christchurch Airport and
add more information to our slide. We want to find out more
about airplanes and Christchurch Airport.

We have learnt how many airplanes are in the sky a once . the
biggest passenger plane is the A380  

. the biggest plane is the Antonov AN 225  

Wednesday, March 6, 2019