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Friday, June 19, 2020

Garden To Table reflection.

This term in gardening I have learnt a lot.I have learnt how to use a saw properly and doing long sturdy strokes and not doing baby strokes.I have also gotten better at measuring and using a tri square.and i have learnt how to split seedlings and replant them in new pots and also learnt when to plant plants at the right time and even learnt how to prune peach trees with a lady that came over.And i also got some extra cooking experiences with cooking 2 minute noodles and macaroni bites.And most of all i have learnt how to work together in a team much better.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

technology term 2.

This week in technology I had mechtronics  that was when i had to program A Lego Technic bot off a app called lego mindstoms. The app is very complicated because it is like the harder version of scratch.It has blocks of code like scratch but with each block there is more options to do like the speed of the robot and the rotation of the robot and with each block it would have different complications such as move steering and move tank.These are both different because  move steering is moving both wheels and is less accurate and move tank only moves one wheel at a time so two wheels can be programmed to move in different directions so to get past really tight corner.But with this challenge our teacher/Ms B is when me and my partner callum have to move our robot across a part f carpet but there is a twist on the carpet the are stickers and if are robot travels over them it doesn't count.so it took a lot of trial and error but after an hour or so of programming off the computer we had passed all the obstacles and reached the safe zone.After we did that challenge we had a choice of doing the same challenge but doing it the other way around and there was also an option to make our own little rover map out of cardboard and program our robot to travel that path.

In fabrics for technology/my second class i started stencilling letters of my tote bag i cut out last week.The stencilling was hard because i had to take my time because if i made one mistake the tote bag would look bad.After i finished my stencilling I printed of a recycle sigh and then copied it on my tote bag with a light pad .and after that i coloured it in with fabric pens.The message it has had to have a environmental message on it  and it read I am not a plastic bag.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Maths Converting Fractions.

Today in maths I did a maths sheet It was about converting Fractions.I had to use the symbols Such as larger than smaller than and equal to.I got 50/50.The strategy to find out witch number is bigger is to times both bottom numbers then what you do to the bottom you do to the top so you end up getting  different fractions but with the same denominators.then it will be obvious witch one is bigger.Then i used the bigger than and larger than and equal to to do the answer.some of the questions were already equal fractions to trick me but i did well.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Bio Poem.


Hilarious intelligent 

Father of meadow rain walker.

Loved the mechanism of cars and had a joy for acting.

He experienced a life of wealth and duty and passion for his career.

He feared his family would get hurt, and his career would come to an end.

He accomplished getting fame and fortune.

He wanted to experience his daughter grow up. 

 Born in Glendale California. 12 september 12,1973,Died 30th November 2013.


Friday, June 5, 2020