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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Careers expo

In week 1 term 2 my class did a quiz about strength explorers.
It was a quiz that would determine our strengths. So we could act on them and see how they will help our daily lives. After 75 questions it was over then three to strengths came up. mine was dependability, relating and confidence. After this we had to do another quiz about careers after that was finished we had to choose one of the 110 careers options that would be good for me. My top three were psychiatrist, saw doctor and architect. I choose psychiatrist. Once we had chosen we had to present what we know. I choose to do a slideshow. My slideshow had the money I would earn and what the job is about and what sort of skills you need to become a psychiatrist. In my slideshow, I included picture and links.

Once I had my slide show finished I decided I needed something on paper so I made a word find about related words to psychology. I struggled to make the column the doc then after I made the word find I had to print 20 copies.

The day had come when the year 6s had to come we set the classroom areas. The areas were medical, construction, you tubers section, cook area and the sports area. I was in the medical area. The year 6s came in then there was a big crown going around the classroom my word finds went really quick and lots of people looked at my slideshow. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE MY SLIDESHOW CLICK ON THIS LINK   slideshow on psychiatrist

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

My Milo's/Italian

My Careers Work/Psychiatrist

Reflection On My Work

For week 7 We have been doing lots off careers work my careers work is also on my blog.

Careers When i stared careers I had a felling about what  i wanted to do but i dident Know much About the job The job was a Psychiatrist. So careers helped me Learn and be more confidence and that has set a path for me in my life.The hardest part of this was researching off another site and get it onto the slideshow slide show has lots off details of becoming a psychiatrist like the money you will  earn to the skills you need.The Things I DID FOR CAREERS  WILL ALSO BE ON MY BLOG.

Rotation task For rotation In my class i have been doing several things they are Drama,Language and 
Every morning we start with Nogos rotation witch is language Nogo runs it because he is very skilled at language.me and my friend Callum are learning Italian.we are making a slideshow about that and it will be on my bog.I am learning how to hold a conversation in Italian.

In my second rotation task i am doing drama.For me are doing readers theaters. Its a like a play.I am doing a story called three wishes

For my third rotation. I do surprise subtitles also known as avail with Sharon its when Sharon puts a movie on and there will be surprise subtitles.When Sharon stops the movie you have to right the sentence or word that was before that.or another game is when the word your comes up you have to write the word after that.It is really fun we have watched Holes,Hook and the adventures of tinti the secret of the lost unicorn

For milos i have done the same as in rotation one Learning Italian and it has been really fun learning new languages is one of my new hobby's