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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Maths 4/8/2020 Estimating distances

Today in maths I did an estimation task of where I had to estimate a certain distance of using every second foot step for a certain amount of paces and when we got to our designated distance we added them up using our key and I had 70 steps for 1 hundred metres  and out of 500 meters it was 350 second steps and so on.This was to help measuring our distances with out any calculator or devices and increasing our estimating distancing.


  1. That math looks super intimidating and really hard. I wonder how use figured it out like that! Did you use skip counting!? That is really good i like it.

  2. Hi Matthew I like how you made the measuring device go to the hall or class. How long did it take you to get to the hall of the class? What the measuring tool over a minute to do:) Who took the photo you or another person new or another person near by.


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